If you cross a Donskoy with an Oriental Shorthair, as was done in 1993, you will get what is now know as a Peterbald. A brown tabby Donskoy male was bred to a tortoiseshell Oriental Shorthair female in St. Petersburg. The resulting offspring would eventually become the Peterbald. To keep the breed healthy, cross breeding with Donskoy, Siamese, and Oriental Shorthair cats became common, at least at first.
With the elegance of three Siamese and the Oriental Shorthair and the baldness of the Donskoy, the Peterbald couldn't help but attract cat fanciers from around the world. In 1997 this unique breed was accepted into the new breed program established by TICA (The International Cat Association) and in 2005 it was granted championship status. Today, it competes as any other breed.
The Appearance of the Peterbald
If you took an Oriental Shorthair and shaved him completely, you'd have something that sort of resembles the Peterbald cat. They are long, graceful, and dainty with whip-like tails and slender necks. They are also bald in a cute sort of way. As opposed to the Creepy, I've just been shaved by a psychopath, sort of way.
But they're not all totally bald. They have different types of Peterbalds out there. First are the ultra bald cats. These guys are born with no hair and they never get any hair. Bald cat. Really bald cat. No hair here. No whiskers. No eyebrows. Bald. They feel warm and almost sticky to the touch.
Next is the flock or chamois cat. These Peterbalds appear hairless but aren't. Not really, though they are 90% hairless. They have a smoothness to them and are not at all sticky. Look for a down-like hair on the extremities in this coat type. Flocked cats also have whiskers and eyebrows, those these will be kinked, curled, or broken entirely.
Velour Peterbalds are 70% hairless. They can have hair, but that hair should never be more than a single millimeter in length. The coat may be sparse, leaving the skin clearly visible, or it may be dense, giving the cat a sleek and shiny look. Sometimes velour cats mature to be flocked cats.
Brush Peterbald cats have wavy hair, sometimes even curly hair, that is quite wires in texture. Hair can be 5 mm long, bit keep in mind that kittens with a brush coat may mature to an ultra bald by the age of 2. Or they may not. The denser the coat, the less likely the cat is to shed out as he grows older.
The final coat type is straight, and these are the only Peterbalds that always lack the bald gene. A straight-coated Peterbald will always be a straight-coated Peterbald. Whiskers will be normal and the hair will lie close to the body.
All Peterbalds, regardless of cost type, need special skin care. Regular bathing to remove dirt and grease and a buff with a chamois cloth once a week is usually sufficient.
These cats need sunblock in summer and a sweater in the winter. Other than all that, they're pretty normal cats.
The Personality of the Peterbald
Highly intelligent and quite affectionate, the Peterbald will investigate anything and play until you run mad. They are active and independent, so they are okay left alone for a few hours, but they also love a rousing game of fetch, so be prepared for your feline friend to engage you at a moment's notice.
These inquisitive cats do well with children and other animals as long as they are given an escape route. They probably won't need it, but if they do jump on top of a bookcase to get away from your dog, leave them be until they come down on their own.
If you're looking for a unique cat who will play in the evenings but not destroy the house when you to to work for a few hours, the Peterbald might be for you.
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Monday, September 28, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
Cat Breeds: Persian
The beautiful Persian has been around for centuries, which is probably why we know so little about its history. We may not know where exactly they came from, but we do know they were present in the very first cat shows in Britain. These Persians has round heads, short faces, and a cobby body. By the later 1800s, however, breeders and cat fanciers started seeking cats with rounder heads, shorter faces, bigger eyes, and cobbier bodies. This led to an even more defined breed standards as the years passed.
By the 1900s, the Persian was being imported into the United States and was increasing in popularity worldwide. At first blue and silver were the colors of choice. Today, all colors are seen and sought after in this luxurious breed.
The Appearance of the Persian
Persians are medium to large in size with a muscular body. Legs should be short and the body should be quite cobby. The head of a Persian should be very round, kind of like a tennis ball, and the eyes should be large and typically copper in color.
Though the Persian has many unique qualities, it's really the coat that makes this breed stand out. The perfect Persian has a coat which flows over the body and reaches the floor. The neck should have a heavy ruff that surrounds the head and the tail should have a plume that's thick and flowing.
There are two coat variations. One is soft and even cotton-like in texture and comes in diluted colors such as blue and cream. This coat mats easily and generally requires daily brushing.
The silky coat is found on cats with more dominant colors such as black and red. This coat still requires maintenance, probably three times a week, but it doesn't mat quite the way the cotton coat does.
Either coat type benefits from routine bathing, so get your kitten used to this from a young age. You'll also have to wipe you cat's eyes with a soft cotton ball to remove anything that might irritate kitty's sensitive eyes.
The Personality of the Persian
Persians are quiet, gentle creatures that prefer quiet, gentle households. While they can tolerate children, they don't like roughness or loud noises. You'll have to teach your children to be quiet and gentle around kitty. This is very important for your cat's peace of mind.
These cats aren't exactly active. They'll play a little, if course, but they're really experts at lounging around in the sun all day. They don't talk a lot, but when they do their voices are sweet and almost musical. All in all, they're lovely little felines.
If you're looking for a companion who will sit quietly while you read, work, or watch TV, and who is good at staying home alone, the Persian might be for you.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Cat Breeds: Oriental Shorthair and Oriental Longhair
Like many other breeds, the modern Oriental cats originated in the decade following World War II (WWII). During the war, the number of available breeding cats in England had been drastically reduced. To create new breeds, and to reestablish old ones, breeders were forced to get creative.
In the case of Oriental cats, Siamese cats were crossed with Russian Blues, Abyssinians, and British Shorthairs. The resulting offspring looked a little like Siamese, but they were not pointed like Siamese. When breeders crossed these cats back to Siamese, within just a couple generations they had kittens that looked exactly like Siamese cats except for the lack of points.
When the occasional pointed kitten was produced, due to the recessive nature of the pointed gene, they were used to strengthen the Siamese gene pool. Non-pointed kittens were used in the Oriental breeding program.
At the beginning, each color produced was given its own name. Chocolate cats were Havanas, whites were Foreign Whites, tabby cats were Oriental Spotted Tabbies, and so on. When it became apparent that there were too many colors, and that those colors didn't always breed true (with some exceptions), they were lumped into two distinct groups. Longhaired cats became the Oriental Longhair and shorthaired cats became the Oriental Shorthair.
The Appearance of the Oriental Cats
Except for coat length, the longhaired and shorthaired versions are completely identical. They are both slender, graceful, and elegant. They're not heavily built, but they are long and tall. The bone structure is fine and delicate, giving the cat a sleek appearance.
Oriental cats should be neither fat nor bony, but rather muscular and firm. The neck should be long and solid and the head should have a very straight profile when viewed from the side. The front view of the head should be triangular.
Ears should be large and wide, eyes are set at an angle and are almond-shaped. Eyes can be of any color, but green is preferred by breeders and gains more points in competitions.
These cats should be brushed once a week. The shorthaired variety could benefit from a buffing with a chamois cloth.
The Personality of the Oriental Cats
Some cats are quiet, reserved, and anti-social. Some are too social for their own good. The Oriental cats are definitely the latter. They are social, intelligent, and active. Because of their highly social nature, they don't really do well on their own. If you're away from home for hours a day, consider getting two cats so they can keep each other company.
Most Oriental cats bond closely to one person in the family and will ignore the rest of the household. They are true lap cats and are likely to fall asleep purring if you stay put long enough.
In addition to loving their people, these cats also chat and interact on a daily basis. They love to play and can turn almost anything into a toy. No piece of paper or paper clip is safe from their budding curiosity. They'll also play with things you'd rather they didn't touch, so put those knickknacks away.
If you're looking for a social cat to keep you company, and you don't mind having a cat play under your feet, then the Oriental Shorthair or Oriental Longhair might be for you.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Cat Breeds: Ojos Azules
Some breeds are stuck somewhere between being a hybrid and being a recognized breed. Such is the case with the Ojos Azules. Fist discovered in New Mexico in the 1980s, this odd-looking breed has bright blue eyes which are the product of a genetic mutation.
Most breeds with blue eyes are either white or have point coloration. The Ojos Azules, on the other hand, can be found with any coat color and pattern. So you can have a tabby with blue eyes, a grey cat with blue eyes, or even a rare and striking black cat with blue eyes. The possibilities are practically endless.
Both the shorthaired and the longhaired version of this cute little cat were only accepted by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1991. Breeding was temporarily suspended when it was thought that the gene that gave the cat its blue eyes might cause skull defects, but it soon became apparent that the gene is harmless. Still, there are few breeders working with them today. Many of the breeders who where working with them prior to the suspension didn't pick it up again after breeding resumed.
The breed standard for the Ojos Azules is still being developed, so what they will be is hard to say. The blue eyes are important, and the cat should be medium in size with a head that is moderately triangular. White is unlikely to be an acceptable color in competition, but all other colors are allowed. The face should be sweet and pretty. Other traits are still being decided upon.
This cat is not easy to find right now. But if you want a cat with bright blue eyes and a sweet disposition, the Ojos Azules might be the cat for you.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Cat Breeds: Ocicat
The Ocicat was created entirely by accident in 1964 when Virginia Daly was trying to develop a Siamese with points the same color as the Abyssinian. Her efforts didn't seem to be going anywhere when she bread a seal point Siamese to a ready Abyssinian and the kittens all looked surprisingly Abyssinian. Not discouraged, she kept a small female from this litter and later bread this cat to a chocolate point Siamese.
The results were rather surprising. This breeding had produced some Siamese kittens with Abyssinian. Determined to reproduce your success, she repeated the same breeding and was rewarded with a beautiful ivory continue with gold on spots. She names this kitten Tonga. Because Tonge looks like an ocelot, he was called Ocicat. The name stuck and was eventually used to describe this new breed. But because a new breed was not Virginia's goal, Tonga was neutered and adopted into a new home.
This might have been the end of the story if Virginia hadn't mentioned Tonga in the letter to geneticist Dr. Clyde Keeler. Keeler, with his interest in feline genetics, expressed an interest in producing a cat that resembled the extinct Egyptian Spotted Fishing Cat. He would have liked to have bread Tonga back to his mother, but since this was not possible Virginia repeated the initial breeding and was rewarded with the Tony spotted male. This kitten was left intact so he could be used in a new breeding program. American Shorthairs were used to provide genetic diversity.
Things might have gone well from this point on if life hadn't intervened. Virginia was forced to suspend her breeding program so personal reasons until the early 1980s. At this point, other breeders became interested in these spotted cats and new lines were developed with surprising speed. The International Cat Association (TICA) granted the Ocicat championship status in August of 1986.
The Appearance of the Ocicat
The Ocicat is one of the larger cat breeds and has a sleek body with a slightly foreign appearance. Weighing up to 14 pounds, these cats are well muscled and strong. The eyes should be almond shaped and fairly large, giving the face and exotic appearance. With its quick movements and lean body, this cat is athletic and graceful.
The coat of the Ocicat should be short and how to be traditional spotted and striped pattern. Though there is only one pattern, there are a variety of colours. These include blue, brown, chocolate, cinnamon, fawn, and lilac. Black spots are most common, but silver varieties also exist. Either way, the Ocicat looks like a small jungle cat.
Spots should be thumb-shaped and arranged over the body so they resemble a bull's eye. Individual hairs have several bands of ticking, contributing to the beauty of the overall pattern. Sometimes kittens are born in the classic tabby pattern, but these kittens are not eligible for competition and are not typically bred.
The short coat is fairly low maintenance. You can remove loose hair with a soft rubber brush every week or two. If you want to encourage a natural luster, consider buffing your cat with a chamois cloth.
The Personality of the Ocicat
An inherently playful cat, the Ocicat is active, curious, and exciting. They love to play and will happily engage in many games. This breed is certainly smart enough to learn quickly and will follow you around waiting for the next game. They love children and other pets, so they fit well into most households.
There are few breeds that bond to their families the way the Ocicat does. Because of thus, you really shouldn't leave an Ocicat alone for long periods of time. If your cat does need to be left alone, consider getting a second Ocicat. They will keep each other company.
If you're looking for a cat that looks and acts like an affectionate jaguar, the Ocicat may be for you. Just make sure he gets plenty of exercise and has a playmate and a few toys and he'll be the happiest little cat on the block.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Cat Breeds: Norwegian Forest Cat
Also known as the Skogkatt or Norsk, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed straight out of Viking legend. It is, in fact, mentioned in many Viking myths and is said to have traveled with the Vikings on their ships. Because of the mythology surrounding the Norwegian Forest Cat, we'll probably never know how old this breed really is. We do know they've been around a while and they have adapted to their climate and surroundings quite well. But we don't know how old the breed is.
In the early part of the 20th century, the Norwegian Forest Cat's numbers had declined enough that they were actually in danger of extinction. Several breeding programs were started to try and save the breed, but World War II (WWII) got in the way, causing almost all of the programs to be put on hold.
It wasn't until the 1970s that things got back on track again, particularly in Norway. This elegant breed was declared the official cat of Norway and breeding programs were established to focus just on revitalizing the breed and saving it from extinction. The first breeding pair was imported into the United States in 1979, but the breed wasn't given Championship status with The International Cat Association (TICA) until 1984. Since then, it has slowly gained in popularity. It is still not the most common cat, but at least it no longer faces extinction.
The Appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat
Though not necessarily as large as the Maine Coon Cat, the Norwegian Forest Cat is still on the large end of domestic cats. He's muscular and strong, but he's also agile and relatively light for his size.
The ears are very large, but they're also quite wide, so wide they resemble an equilateral triangle. Eyes are also large, and are almond shaped, giving him a sweet and expressive face. Eyes often vary in color, but they should be clear and gleaming.
The coat of the Norwegian Forest Cat can come in any color and pattern. It's really the fullness and texture that are important for this breed. Though the outer coat is soft and fluffy, the undercoat should be dense enough to keep the cat warm in the depths of the Scandinavian winters. The coat should also be water resistant. In winter the coat should be long and flowing. In summer it should be shorter, but still water resistant. The tail should be long and flowing, just like the coat.
Though this breed definitely has long hair, the coat isn't as high maintenance as other longhaired cat breeds. You don't really have to groom these guys every day for their coats to maintain their beauty. Instead, a brushing once or twice a week to remove dead hair is generally enough.
The Personality of the Norwegian Forest Cat
A highly intelligent feline, the Norwegian Forest Cat is quite resourceful and is probably one of the most adaptable cats around. They are perfectly happy hunting mice in a country field, but they're just as suited to lazing about on the couch all day while you read a book. Even a cat who is confined to an apartment will find a variety of ways to entertain himself.
This cat really loves toys and games, especially if they involve hanging out with people. He'll run through cat tunnels, chase catnip-filled toy mice, and leap after feathers on sticks. In short, this breed is constant entertainment. He's also great with kids and other pets and will even play with older children if his mood right.
If you're looking for a mild-mannered cat who can cuddle up like a small dog, the Norwegian Forest Cat might be for you. Be prepared for his pranks, though, because this perky cat is always looking for a little bit of nonsense.
In the early part of the 20th century, the Norwegian Forest Cat's numbers had declined enough that they were actually in danger of extinction. Several breeding programs were started to try and save the breed, but World War II (WWII) got in the way, causing almost all of the programs to be put on hold.
It wasn't until the 1970s that things got back on track again, particularly in Norway. This elegant breed was declared the official cat of Norway and breeding programs were established to focus just on revitalizing the breed and saving it from extinction. The first breeding pair was imported into the United States in 1979, but the breed wasn't given Championship status with The International Cat Association (TICA) until 1984. Since then, it has slowly gained in popularity. It is still not the most common cat, but at least it no longer faces extinction.
The Appearance of the Norwegian Forest Cat
Though not necessarily as large as the Maine Coon Cat, the Norwegian Forest Cat is still on the large end of domestic cats. He's muscular and strong, but he's also agile and relatively light for his size.
The ears are very large, but they're also quite wide, so wide they resemble an equilateral triangle. Eyes are also large, and are almond shaped, giving him a sweet and expressive face. Eyes often vary in color, but they should be clear and gleaming.
The coat of the Norwegian Forest Cat can come in any color and pattern. It's really the fullness and texture that are important for this breed. Though the outer coat is soft and fluffy, the undercoat should be dense enough to keep the cat warm in the depths of the Scandinavian winters. The coat should also be water resistant. In winter the coat should be long and flowing. In summer it should be shorter, but still water resistant. The tail should be long and flowing, just like the coat.
Though this breed definitely has long hair, the coat isn't as high maintenance as other longhaired cat breeds. You don't really have to groom these guys every day for their coats to maintain their beauty. Instead, a brushing once or twice a week to remove dead hair is generally enough.
The Personality of the Norwegian Forest Cat
A highly intelligent feline, the Norwegian Forest Cat is quite resourceful and is probably one of the most adaptable cats around. They are perfectly happy hunting mice in a country field, but they're just as suited to lazing about on the couch all day while you read a book. Even a cat who is confined to an apartment will find a variety of ways to entertain himself.
This cat really loves toys and games, especially if they involve hanging out with people. He'll run through cat tunnels, chase catnip-filled toy mice, and leap after feathers on sticks. In short, this breed is constant entertainment. He's also great with kids and other pets and will even play with older children if his mood right.
If you're looking for a mild-mannered cat who can cuddle up like a small dog, the Norwegian Forest Cat might be for you. Be prepared for his pranks, though, because this perky cat is always looking for a little bit of nonsense.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Cat Breeds: Nebelung
There are many ancient breeds of cats. The Nebelung is not one of them. It was, in fact, not even conceived of before the 1980s. The name 'Nebelung' is derived from the German word 'nebel' (meaning fog). It is also based on the medieval German saga Nibelungenlied, which is said to represent the cat's distinctive blue coat that is as silky and wispy as fog.
Initially developed by Cora Cobb, the first two registered Nebelungs were born in 1984 (Siegfried, a male) and 1985 (Brunhilde, a female). Siegfried's parents were unremarkable, as were Brunhilde's. Still, the two became the foundation of what would become the Nebelung cat breed and had their first litter in 1986. In 1987 Cobb applied to The International Cat Association (TICA) for New Breed status.
Because the coat color is so important for this breed, the Russian Blue was officially designated as an allowed outcross. This encourages the development of the gene pool without compromising the stunning color of the breed. After a decade of breeding, the Nebelung was granted Championship status in 1997.
The Appearance of the Nebelung
The Nebelung is on the larger end of the medium-sized cats. He should be a muscular cat with a long tail and ears that are large but still in proportion to the head. The eyes should be wide set and open. They should be green in color, though a yellowish-green is also acceptable. Gold is too yellow a color the a Nebelung's eyes.
The coat is really what sets these cats apart. Like the Russian Blue, the coat is a silvery blue color. Unlike the Russian Blue, the Nebelung has long hair instead of the shorter hairs so characteristic of the Russian Blue. The hair is silky but quite dense, requiring a good grooming at least twice a week to remove any lose hair and prevent matting. These cats don't like matts at all, so do groom your feline companion well.
The Personality of the Nebelung
This cat breed is on the more sensitive end of the scale when it comes to temperament, so take care when introducing him to new people, children, and other pets. A kitten will need ample time to adjust to a new environment, an adult cat even more so, so be patient with him.
Once your new friends does adjust, however, you will have a loyal and loving companion. They are very people-oriented and need to be around people familiar to them to feel comfortable. This is not a cat you should lock in the back room while you make dinner. He would prefer to sit at your feet instead.
If you want a quiet cat who will shower you with kisses and cuddles, the Nebelung might be for you. They are affectionate cats to those they love, but you will have to be patient with his sensitive breed.
Initially developed by Cora Cobb, the first two registered Nebelungs were born in 1984 (Siegfried, a male) and 1985 (Brunhilde, a female). Siegfried's parents were unremarkable, as were Brunhilde's. Still, the two became the foundation of what would become the Nebelung cat breed and had their first litter in 1986. In 1987 Cobb applied to The International Cat Association (TICA) for New Breed status.
Because the coat color is so important for this breed, the Russian Blue was officially designated as an allowed outcross. This encourages the development of the gene pool without compromising the stunning color of the breed. After a decade of breeding, the Nebelung was granted Championship status in 1997.
The Appearance of the Nebelung
The Nebelung is on the larger end of the medium-sized cats. He should be a muscular cat with a long tail and ears that are large but still in proportion to the head. The eyes should be wide set and open. They should be green in color, though a yellowish-green is also acceptable. Gold is too yellow a color the a Nebelung's eyes.
The coat is really what sets these cats apart. Like the Russian Blue, the coat is a silvery blue color. Unlike the Russian Blue, the Nebelung has long hair instead of the shorter hairs so characteristic of the Russian Blue. The hair is silky but quite dense, requiring a good grooming at least twice a week to remove any lose hair and prevent matting. These cats don't like matts at all, so do groom your feline companion well.
The Personality of the Nebelung
This cat breed is on the more sensitive end of the scale when it comes to temperament, so take care when introducing him to new people, children, and other pets. A kitten will need ample time to adjust to a new environment, an adult cat even more so, so be patient with him.
Once your new friends does adjust, however, you will have a loyal and loving companion. They are very people-oriented and need to be around people familiar to them to feel comfortable. This is not a cat you should lock in the back room while you make dinner. He would prefer to sit at your feet instead.
If you want a quiet cat who will shower you with kisses and cuddles, the Nebelung might be for you. They are affectionate cats to those they love, but you will have to be patient with his sensitive breed.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Cat Breeds: Munchkin
The Munchkin is a relatively new breed, having its roots in the early 1980s, but the mutation that resulted in the shorter legs actually appeared sporadically throughout the 20th century. The first reported mutation occurred in Britain in 1944. Dr. HE Williams-Jones wrote an entire paper on four generations of short-legged cats. This line, which may very well have gone on to found an entire breed, was tragically lost during WWII (World War II).
Fortunately for the cat fancy world, the short-legged trait appeared again. Several times, in fact. It could be found in Stalingrad in the 1950s, New England in the 1970s, and Louisiana in the 1980s. It was in 1983 that Sandra Hockenedel found a pregnant cat who happened to have the shortened legs the Munchkin would become famous for. This cat, who she named Blackberry, would become the foundation for the modern Munchkin breed, though several outcrosses would be necessary to establish a diverse gene pool.
After a decade of careful outcrossing, the Munchkin was recognized by TICA (The International Cat Association) in 1994, but only in the New Breed development program. This program ensures that the breed is stable and healthy before championship status is granted. It was during this time that the gene which results in the shorter legs is actually dominant, much like the gene in the Corgi and Dachshund dog breeds. This helped with the breed's stability and in 2003 TICA granted the Munchkin cat breed championship status.
The Appearance of the Munchkin
The Munchkin cat looks very much like most other cat breeds, including the American Shorthair, except for the length of the legs. The mutation that makes these cats so unique shortens the leg bones, but does not affect any other part of the cat. So unlike the Corgi or Dachshund, the Munchkin doesn't have the back problems you might expect to see in a breed with such tiny legs. In fact, this breed has few health problems at all.
A medium-sized cat, the Munchkin typically weighs in between 5 and 9 pounds. Because of the early outcrossings, they can be of any color or pattern, so there is great variety in the Munchkin breed. They come in both longhaired and shorthaired varieties, the only difference between the two being the length of the coat. Shorthaired cats have an all-weather coat that is silky to the touch and requires only light grooming. Longhaired cats have an all-weather coat that is silky to the touch and requires more intensive grooming. Other than this slight difference, they are the same cat.
The Personality of the Munchkin
You might think this cat looks like a lot of fun, and you'd be right. They love to run and jump (though they can't jump as high as cats with longer legs) and will happily dash after whatever toy has been tossed for them. The Munchkin has a lot of energy and rarely slows down unless dinner is on the table.
The Munchkin has a sunny disposition and gets along with everyone from small children to strange dogs. They like everyone and want everyone's attention. A highly curious cat, this breed can sometimes get themselves into trouble with all their exploring, but you'll never want for excitement with this little bundle of energy around.
If you're looking for a cat that is unique and has a great personality, the Munchkin might be for you. They are happy and fun companions for the young and old alike. As long as you don't might a short little cat dashing around your living room at all hours.
Fortunately for the cat fancy world, the short-legged trait appeared again. Several times, in fact. It could be found in Stalingrad in the 1950s, New England in the 1970s, and Louisiana in the 1980s. It was in 1983 that Sandra Hockenedel found a pregnant cat who happened to have the shortened legs the Munchkin would become famous for. This cat, who she named Blackberry, would become the foundation for the modern Munchkin breed, though several outcrosses would be necessary to establish a diverse gene pool.
After a decade of careful outcrossing, the Munchkin was recognized by TICA (The International Cat Association) in 1994, but only in the New Breed development program. This program ensures that the breed is stable and healthy before championship status is granted. It was during this time that the gene which results in the shorter legs is actually dominant, much like the gene in the Corgi and Dachshund dog breeds. This helped with the breed's stability and in 2003 TICA granted the Munchkin cat breed championship status.
The Appearance of the Munchkin
The Munchkin cat looks very much like most other cat breeds, including the American Shorthair, except for the length of the legs. The mutation that makes these cats so unique shortens the leg bones, but does not affect any other part of the cat. So unlike the Corgi or Dachshund, the Munchkin doesn't have the back problems you might expect to see in a breed with such tiny legs. In fact, this breed has few health problems at all.
A medium-sized cat, the Munchkin typically weighs in between 5 and 9 pounds. Because of the early outcrossings, they can be of any color or pattern, so there is great variety in the Munchkin breed. They come in both longhaired and shorthaired varieties, the only difference between the two being the length of the coat. Shorthaired cats have an all-weather coat that is silky to the touch and requires only light grooming. Longhaired cats have an all-weather coat that is silky to the touch and requires more intensive grooming. Other than this slight difference, they are the same cat.
The Personality of the Munchkin
You might think this cat looks like a lot of fun, and you'd be right. They love to run and jump (though they can't jump as high as cats with longer legs) and will happily dash after whatever toy has been tossed for them. The Munchkin has a lot of energy and rarely slows down unless dinner is on the table.
The Munchkin has a sunny disposition and gets along with everyone from small children to strange dogs. They like everyone and want everyone's attention. A highly curious cat, this breed can sometimes get themselves into trouble with all their exploring, but you'll never want for excitement with this little bundle of energy around.
If you're looking for a cat that is unique and has a great personality, the Munchkin might be for you. They are happy and fun companions for the young and old alike. As long as you don't might a short little cat dashing around your living room at all hours.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Cat Breeds: Minskin
Some breeds come about because a breeder wants a specific look. Such was the case in 1998 when Paul McSorley started crossing a Munchkin with a Sphinx. He wanted a breed that had short legs of a Munchkin but fur that is restricted to the points like a Sphinx. This particular combination took two years to achieve, but finally the first Minskin kitten was born in 2000. Because it is so new, this cat does not yet have Championship status. Instead it is classed as a Preliminary new Breed. This means that it can be shown in TICA shows, but cannot yet earn titles. Whether this young breed will advance is yet to be determined.
The Appearance of the Minskin
The body of the Minskin, with its short legs and cobby body, is very like the Munchkin in appearance. The head, however, is more Sphinx-like and features the large eyes and large ears so characteristic of the Sphinx.
The coat is incredibly sparse and just a little coarse. Because there is so little fur, the fur absorbs the heat from the body, making it feel quite warm to the touch. There is little hair, which means little shedding. This makes grooming a breeze. A quick rub with a chamois cloth once a week usually keeps the cat healthy enough. A soft brush can also be used.
The Personality of the Minskin
Most Minskins are quite friendly and enjoy the company of humans. They will follow at your feet and climb on your back if given the slightest encouragement. They tend to want to be the sole focus of a human's attention, so they're not that great with other pets. They do love children, however, though care must be taken as this breed is a little more fragile than some others.
This is a cat that bores easily, and the Minskin can be destructive when bored. A highly intelligent breed, the Minskin needs something to do. Games and stimulate the mind are a good idea, especially if you're going to be away from home. They don't do well on their own if they don't have something to occupy their busy minds.
If you're looking for a cat that's a little unique, the Minskin might be for you. This cat is amusing and entertaining, making him a great companion for the right person.
The Appearance of the Minskin
The body of the Minskin, with its short legs and cobby body, is very like the Munchkin in appearance. The head, however, is more Sphinx-like and features the large eyes and large ears so characteristic of the Sphinx.
The coat is incredibly sparse and just a little coarse. Because there is so little fur, the fur absorbs the heat from the body, making it feel quite warm to the touch. There is little hair, which means little shedding. This makes grooming a breeze. A quick rub with a chamois cloth once a week usually keeps the cat healthy enough. A soft brush can also be used.
The Personality of the Minskin
Most Minskins are quite friendly and enjoy the company of humans. They will follow at your feet and climb on your back if given the slightest encouragement. They tend to want to be the sole focus of a human's attention, so they're not that great with other pets. They do love children, however, though care must be taken as this breed is a little more fragile than some others.
This is a cat that bores easily, and the Minskin can be destructive when bored. A highly intelligent breed, the Minskin needs something to do. Games and stimulate the mind are a good idea, especially if you're going to be away from home. They don't do well on their own if they don't have something to occupy their busy minds.
If you're looking for a cat that's a little unique, the Minskin might be for you. This cat is amusing and entertaining, making him a great companion for the right person.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Cat Breeds: Manx and Cymric
Though some people believe that the Manx cat lost its tail when Noah closed the Ark doors a little too quickly, history tells a different tale. The Manx originated on the Isle of Man, but its ancestors probably arrived by ship from England, Wales, or even Scotland. The genetic mutation that created the unique tail of the Manx occurred on the Isle of Man at least as early as 1810, but there is some evidence to suggest that the tailless cats were running around as early as 1750. We may never really know for sure.
The mutation that caused kittens to be born without the vertebrae of a normal tail is likely the result of inbreeding. The Isle of Man is fairly small, after all, and there were relatively few cats for the breed to develop. In time, some of these tailless cats grew long hair, others remained shorthaired. The shorthaired kittens were labeled Manx, while the longhaired ones received the name of Cymric. The only difference between these two breeds is the length of hair.
The International Cat Association (TICA) recognized both the Manx and the Cymric, granting them championship status, in June of 1979.
The Appearance of the Manx and Cymric
Since the two cats are identical except for coat length, there is little point in describing the same characteristics twice. Both cats are found in all patterns and colors, some more desirable than others. Bold colors and dramatic markings are best, but any color or pattern is acceptable in this versatile breed.
Both versions of this cat have thick coats, giving them a round appearance. The Manx has a short, glossy coat with a glossy appearance. The Cymric should have longer hair that is both silky and plush. A neck ruff and fluffy breeches are required in the longhaired Cymric.
The Cymric and the Manx are both medium in size with a rounded body and head. They resemble furry little bowling bowls and are often referred to as such with great affection. Though they may appear large with their fluffy fur, they are typically no more than 10 pounds.
Despite their reputation for having no tails, these breeds are not all tailless. The tail may be stubby and may even have a slight curl. Even cats with no tails at all have all the nerve endings of a tail, so take care when handling the hindquarters of either breed.
The Personality of the Manx and Cymric
Both the Cymric and the Manx are gentle cats with a sweet and playful disposition. Because these cats are affectionate and quite dependent on people for company, they should not be left alone for long periods. They're not cats you can leave for a week while you go off on vacation, so take this into account.
These cats are not generally great with children and other pets cause of their sensitive tail area. They are amusing for adults, however, and will indulge in a game of fetch if properly enticed. You might even find your Manx or Cymric burying their toys rather like a dog. Neither breed is overly loud, but they will engage you in conversation with a soft thrilling sound if you listen long enough.
If you're looking for a quiet cat who will crave your company, the Manx or the Cymric may be for you. Both breeds require little grooming, just a weekly brushing to keep the coat soft and healthy, so the maintenance are nearly identical.
The mutation that caused kittens to be born without the vertebrae of a normal tail is likely the result of inbreeding. The Isle of Man is fairly small, after all, and there were relatively few cats for the breed to develop. In time, some of these tailless cats grew long hair, others remained shorthaired. The shorthaired kittens were labeled Manx, while the longhaired ones received the name of Cymric. The only difference between these two breeds is the length of hair.
The International Cat Association (TICA) recognized both the Manx and the Cymric, granting them championship status, in June of 1979.
The Appearance of the Manx and Cymric
Since the two cats are identical except for coat length, there is little point in describing the same characteristics twice. Both cats are found in all patterns and colors, some more desirable than others. Bold colors and dramatic markings are best, but any color or pattern is acceptable in this versatile breed.
Both versions of this cat have thick coats, giving them a round appearance. The Manx has a short, glossy coat with a glossy appearance. The Cymric should have longer hair that is both silky and plush. A neck ruff and fluffy breeches are required in the longhaired Cymric.
The Cymric and the Manx are both medium in size with a rounded body and head. They resemble furry little bowling bowls and are often referred to as such with great affection. Though they may appear large with their fluffy fur, they are typically no more than 10 pounds.
Despite their reputation for having no tails, these breeds are not all tailless. The tail may be stubby and may even have a slight curl. Even cats with no tails at all have all the nerve endings of a tail, so take care when handling the hindquarters of either breed.
The Personality of the Manx and Cymric
Both the Cymric and the Manx are gentle cats with a sweet and playful disposition. Because these cats are affectionate and quite dependent on people for company, they should not be left alone for long periods. They're not cats you can leave for a week while you go off on vacation, so take this into account.
These cats are not generally great with children and other pets cause of their sensitive tail area. They are amusing for adults, however, and will indulge in a game of fetch if properly enticed. You might even find your Manx or Cymric burying their toys rather like a dog. Neither breed is overly loud, but they will engage you in conversation with a soft thrilling sound if you listen long enough.
If you're looking for a quiet cat who will crave your company, the Manx or the Cymric may be for you. Both breeds require little grooming, just a weekly brushing to keep the coat soft and healthy, so the maintenance are nearly identical.
Monday, January 26, 2015
The Characteristics of the Maine Coon
The origin of the Maine Coon is surrounded by mystery and legend. Though once considered a result of raccoons and cats breeding, we know now that this is not the case. Well, most of us know. There are still some people who believe it, crazy as it might sound. The truth is probably that cats from Europe wandered freely and bred, creating a breed that is strong, healthy, prolific, and naturally occurring. There was probably more interest in them Maine, hence the addition of 'Maine' to the Coon Cat title the cat had earned.
The Appearance of the Maine Coon
The Maine Coon has a semi-long coat. This coat is water-resistant and incredibly heavy. Some way the cat is all fluff and no substance. Nonsense, of course. The hair is shorter on the back and neck, but much longer on the ruff, stomach, and britches of the cat. Despite its length, the coat is smooth and requires little maintenance. A weekly brushing does it. The bushy tail sets the Maine Coon apart from most other breeds. All in all, a stunning example of a feline.
This large cat, which weighs in at up to 18 pounds, comes in almost all colors and patterns, though the brown classic or mackerel tabby is the most common. All colors and patterns may have white markings. The eyes should be large, expressive, and range in color from gold to green. They should shine with an inner light.
The Personality of the Maine Coon
There are few cats in the world more laid back than the Maine Coon. This breed will get along well with children and other pets. He'll also show great affection and will play with people a great deal. It's not unusual to see a Maine Coon playing with children, adults, or even dogs if he happens to be bored.
Despite all this, he is not too dependent and can't really be described as a lap cat. When you're home, expect him to hang around, but if you're not he can entertain himself well enough. Though you may not like the activities he chooses...still, he's not destructive and will generally behave himself.
Typically a quiet cat, expect the Maine Coon to communicate in soft thrills and little chirps. Pay attention to these sounds and he'll speak more often. Ignore them and he'll either ignore you or find another way to get your attention.
If you're looking for a large breed sturdy enough to play alongside kids and dogs, the Maine Coon cat may be the cat for you. Expect your cat to romp through the house, and to make a little noise doing so. He is among the heaviest of domestic cats, after all.
The Appearance of the Maine Coon
The Maine Coon has a semi-long coat. This coat is water-resistant and incredibly heavy. Some way the cat is all fluff and no substance. Nonsense, of course. The hair is shorter on the back and neck, but much longer on the ruff, stomach, and britches of the cat. Despite its length, the coat is smooth and requires little maintenance. A weekly brushing does it. The bushy tail sets the Maine Coon apart from most other breeds. All in all, a stunning example of a feline.
This large cat, which weighs in at up to 18 pounds, comes in almost all colors and patterns, though the brown classic or mackerel tabby is the most common. All colors and patterns may have white markings. The eyes should be large, expressive, and range in color from gold to green. They should shine with an inner light.
The Personality of the Maine Coon
There are few cats in the world more laid back than the Maine Coon. This breed will get along well with children and other pets. He'll also show great affection and will play with people a great deal. It's not unusual to see a Maine Coon playing with children, adults, or even dogs if he happens to be bored.
Despite all this, he is not too dependent and can't really be described as a lap cat. When you're home, expect him to hang around, but if you're not he can entertain himself well enough. Though you may not like the activities he chooses...still, he's not destructive and will generally behave himself.
Typically a quiet cat, expect the Maine Coon to communicate in soft thrills and little chirps. Pay attention to these sounds and he'll speak more often. Ignore them and he'll either ignore you or find another way to get your attention.
If you're looking for a large breed sturdy enough to play alongside kids and dogs, the Maine Coon cat may be the cat for you. Expect your cat to romp through the house, and to make a little noise doing so. He is among the heaviest of domestic cats, after all.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Cat Breeds: LaPerm
Sometimes a new breed just shows up out of the blue. On a cherry orchard in March of 1982 a brown tabby gave birth to a little of six kittens. One of these kittens, a small female, was not like the others. She was a tabby, but she was long, skinny, and completely hairless. She stayed hairless until she was around six weeks old, at which time she started growing a sparse and yet curly coat. As she matured, this coat became soft and waxy.
This was the first of these interesting cats, but it wasn't the last to be born on the cherry orchard. Their owner, Linda Koehl, decided to enter six of these kittens into a cat show in her area. The judges were pleased with her kittens, so she started a breeding program that would eventually establish the foundation for the LaPerm cat breed.
At first almost all of the kittens were born bald, only later developing the curly coat that is a signature of the breed. A few were born with straight hair and kept this straight hair even as they matured. Then a kitten named Snow Fire was born. He started out with straight hair, but it shed out and was replaced with a curly coat and even curly whiskers. This was the first time that had happened, but it's since become commonplace.
It took twenty years of perfecting the breed, but the LaPerm was finally granted championship status by The International Cat Association (TICA) in February of 2003. They have since been used to create a few hybrid cats including the Skookum.
The Appearance of the LaPerm
The LaPerm is a medium-sized cat with a strong and yet slightly strange-looking body type. They can weigh up to 10 pounds and have large, cupped ears. The eyes should be almond-shaped and have a loving appearance. Any eye color is acceptable.
The most distinctive feature of this breed is, of course, the coat. Guard hairs, awn hairs, and down hairs are present, which would make the coat relatively normal if it weren't for the curls. The curls are responsible for the coarse texture. Because of these curls the coat stands away from the body. The longest hairs should be around the neck, creating a ruff effect. Even the whiskers, eyebrows, and the hairs in the ears are curly.
There is both a shorthaired LaPerm and a longhaired LaPerm. The longhaired cat has a plume to its tail while the shorthaired cat has a tail that resembles a bottlebrush. Coats are thicker and fuller in the cooler months, and older cats tend to have a more developed coat than the younger cats. All coat colors and pattern are acceptable provided the coat is the traditional LaPerm coat.
Another benefit of this coat is that it does not tangle and doesn't fall out (think poodle, but in cat form). A light brushing once a week will remove any loose hair and keep the coat bright and shining.
The Personality of the LaPerm
Unlike some of the more aloof breeds, the LaPerm loves to be around people and can be found sitting on laps, shoulders, and sometimes heads (as my son will attest to). They make incredible family cats as they are gentle, patient, and friendly. A LaPerm will generally get along well with children and other pets. They're also incredibly entertaining with their kitten like antics. A LaPerm will never grow out of this kittenish attitude.
If you're looking for a cat that doesn't shed a whole lot, is great with kids, and is a bit of a clown, the LaPerm might be for you.
This was the first of these interesting cats, but it wasn't the last to be born on the cherry orchard. Their owner, Linda Koehl, decided to enter six of these kittens into a cat show in her area. The judges were pleased with her kittens, so she started a breeding program that would eventually establish the foundation for the LaPerm cat breed.
At first almost all of the kittens were born bald, only later developing the curly coat that is a signature of the breed. A few were born with straight hair and kept this straight hair even as they matured. Then a kitten named Snow Fire was born. He started out with straight hair, but it shed out and was replaced with a curly coat and even curly whiskers. This was the first time that had happened, but it's since become commonplace.
It took twenty years of perfecting the breed, but the LaPerm was finally granted championship status by The International Cat Association (TICA) in February of 2003. They have since been used to create a few hybrid cats including the Skookum.
The Appearance of the LaPerm
The LaPerm is a medium-sized cat with a strong and yet slightly strange-looking body type. They can weigh up to 10 pounds and have large, cupped ears. The eyes should be almond-shaped and have a loving appearance. Any eye color is acceptable.
The most distinctive feature of this breed is, of course, the coat. Guard hairs, awn hairs, and down hairs are present, which would make the coat relatively normal if it weren't for the curls. The curls are responsible for the coarse texture. Because of these curls the coat stands away from the body. The longest hairs should be around the neck, creating a ruff effect. Even the whiskers, eyebrows, and the hairs in the ears are curly.
There is both a shorthaired LaPerm and a longhaired LaPerm. The longhaired cat has a plume to its tail while the shorthaired cat has a tail that resembles a bottlebrush. Coats are thicker and fuller in the cooler months, and older cats tend to have a more developed coat than the younger cats. All coat colors and pattern are acceptable provided the coat is the traditional LaPerm coat.
Another benefit of this coat is that it does not tangle and doesn't fall out (think poodle, but in cat form). A light brushing once a week will remove any loose hair and keep the coat bright and shining.
The Personality of the LaPerm
Unlike some of the more aloof breeds, the LaPerm loves to be around people and can be found sitting on laps, shoulders, and sometimes heads (as my son will attest to). They make incredible family cats as they are gentle, patient, and friendly. A LaPerm will generally get along well with children and other pets. They're also incredibly entertaining with their kitten like antics. A LaPerm will never grow out of this kittenish attitude.
If you're looking for a cat that doesn't shed a whole lot, is great with kids, and is a bit of a clown, the LaPerm might be for you.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Cat Breeds: Kurilian Bobtail
Some cat breeds aren't yet recognized by the majority of associations but may eventually attain championship status. Sometimes this lack of status is because a breed is so new. Sometimes, however, it's simply that the breed is virtually unknown. The Kurilian Bobtail fits squarely into the latter category.
The Kurilian Bobtail is a breed that developed naturally on the Kuril Islands. These stretch from the Japanese island of Hokkaido to the edge of Russia. These cute cats with their little bobtails have apparently been running around the Kuril Islands for at least two hundred years, but they weren't brought to Russia until the middle of the 20th century. And they didn't make it to North American until even later than that. Even today there are less than a hundred Kurilian Bobtails in the United States. No wonder the breed hasn't been recognized.
Despite their undeniable cute factor, the Kurilian Bobtail is actually a rather large cat with an almost-cobby body shape. The coat is fluffy and soft with either long or short hair. Like many other breeds, both coat lengths are acceptable. Color is equally varied with both solid and tabby colors showing up in the same litter.
The most distinctive trait of the Kurilian Bobtail is, of course, the tail. There are dozens of different tail structures, each its own variation of a little pom-pom. The tails should be fluffy and held tight to the body.
As house pets, this breed gets along with just about everyone. Children, cats, other pets, all are accepted by the sociable Kurilian Bobtail. They like to play games, especially games involving running or jumping, so they're good cats for a high-activity household. They're not entirely happy on their own, but they do well enough with another cat or even a dog. You can also entertain them wish a fish tank, but make sure it's well secured. They are a curious breed, after all.
The Kurilian Bobtail may never become a recognized breed, but if it doesn't it's only because they're so rare. Incredibly rare might be the better way to describe this energetic breed. If you do come across the Kurilian Bobtail, you're in for a treat.
The Kurilian Bobtail is a breed that developed naturally on the Kuril Islands. These stretch from the Japanese island of Hokkaido to the edge of Russia. These cute cats with their little bobtails have apparently been running around the Kuril Islands for at least two hundred years, but they weren't brought to Russia until the middle of the 20th century. And they didn't make it to North American until even later than that. Even today there are less than a hundred Kurilian Bobtails in the United States. No wonder the breed hasn't been recognized.
Despite their undeniable cute factor, the Kurilian Bobtail is actually a rather large cat with an almost-cobby body shape. The coat is fluffy and soft with either long or short hair. Like many other breeds, both coat lengths are acceptable. Color is equally varied with both solid and tabby colors showing up in the same litter.
The most distinctive trait of the Kurilian Bobtail is, of course, the tail. There are dozens of different tail structures, each its own variation of a little pom-pom. The tails should be fluffy and held tight to the body.
As house pets, this breed gets along with just about everyone. Children, cats, other pets, all are accepted by the sociable Kurilian Bobtail. They like to play games, especially games involving running or jumping, so they're good cats for a high-activity household. They're not entirely happy on their own, but they do well enough with another cat or even a dog. You can also entertain them wish a fish tank, but make sure it's well secured. They are a curious breed, after all.
The Kurilian Bobtail may never become a recognized breed, but if it doesn't it's only because they're so rare. Incredibly rare might be the better way to describe this energetic breed. If you do come across the Kurilian Bobtail, you're in for a treat.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Cat Breeds: Korat
The Korat has been around a long time. The earliest known picture of this elegant breed appears in The Cat-Book Poems. Written sometime between 1350 and 1767, this is probably the oldest manuscript devoted exclusively to cats. There is an illustration within this book that features a cat that looks remarkably like the Korat. This cat, along with the other cats in that illustration, were thought to bring good luck.
In more modern times, the Korat first appeared in England. in the late 1800s. They were shown as "Blue Siamese" between 1889 and 1896, but because they didn't conform to the traditional Siamese standards they disappeared from competition by 1901.
It wasn't until 1959 that the first breeding pair of Korats were imported into the United States. Though they were not immediately accepted into championship status, several breeders persisted and by 1966 they were competing with the other recognized breeds.
The Appearance of the Korat
There is no mistaking the Korat. With their bright blue coloring (or as bright a blue as cats get), they stand out in the crowd. And though the blue color might be the only accepted color in most associations, some groups accept lilac and pointed cats as well. The coat is short, making grooming a breeze, and they are an about average shedder.
The Korat is a medium sized cat with a powerful and muscled body. Unlike many other cat breeds, the Korat can take up to five years to reach maturity. During this time, they may be lanky until they fill out. Their eyes will also change. Though blue as kittens, the eyes will eventually shift to bright amber when they are only a few weeks old. Then the eyes will change again, this time to a brilliant peridot, when the cat is between two and four years of age. When the eye color changes to peridot, the cat is nearing maturity.
The Personality of the Korat
Active and intelligent, the Korat will quickly form a strong bond with its family. They are affectionate creatures prone to cuddling or simply following at your feet. Be prepared to trip on your Korat several times a day. That or shoo him off the counter whenever he jumps up for a snuggle. This breed doesn't like to be alone, so if you're going to be gone for several hours at a time, consider getting a second Korat so they can keep each other company. For some ridiculous reason, these cats like to hang out with humans, and they like to hang out with each other, but they don't tend to like other cat breeds very much. Korats love Korats. Stubborn little brats.
Though this cat is among the more active breeds, it's also a great breed to have with children. They love to play and can handle some minor roughhousing, but they're incredibly gentle at the same time. They also like to chirp, which is endlessly entertaining for children and adults alike. Korats don't really like loud noises as a general rule, but they seem to make an exception for children.
A hardy cat, the Korat is the perfect fit for families with children provided there aren't other cats (unless they're Korats too) and dogs. Or small pets. These guys are active enough to hunt just about anything. For the cat-loving household, Korats can provide endless entertainment and love.
In more modern times, the Korat first appeared in England. in the late 1800s. They were shown as "Blue Siamese" between 1889 and 1896, but because they didn't conform to the traditional Siamese standards they disappeared from competition by 1901.
It wasn't until 1959 that the first breeding pair of Korats were imported into the United States. Though they were not immediately accepted into championship status, several breeders persisted and by 1966 they were competing with the other recognized breeds.
The Appearance of the Korat
There is no mistaking the Korat. With their bright blue coloring (or as bright a blue as cats get), they stand out in the crowd. And though the blue color might be the only accepted color in most associations, some groups accept lilac and pointed cats as well. The coat is short, making grooming a breeze, and they are an about average shedder.
The Korat is a medium sized cat with a powerful and muscled body. Unlike many other cat breeds, the Korat can take up to five years to reach maturity. During this time, they may be lanky until they fill out. Their eyes will also change. Though blue as kittens, the eyes will eventually shift to bright amber when they are only a few weeks old. Then the eyes will change again, this time to a brilliant peridot, when the cat is between two and four years of age. When the eye color changes to peridot, the cat is nearing maturity.
The Personality of the Korat
Active and intelligent, the Korat will quickly form a strong bond with its family. They are affectionate creatures prone to cuddling or simply following at your feet. Be prepared to trip on your Korat several times a day. That or shoo him off the counter whenever he jumps up for a snuggle. This breed doesn't like to be alone, so if you're going to be gone for several hours at a time, consider getting a second Korat so they can keep each other company. For some ridiculous reason, these cats like to hang out with humans, and they like to hang out with each other, but they don't tend to like other cat breeds very much. Korats love Korats. Stubborn little brats.
Though this cat is among the more active breeds, it's also a great breed to have with children. They love to play and can handle some minor roughhousing, but they're incredibly gentle at the same time. They also like to chirp, which is endlessly entertaining for children and adults alike. Korats don't really like loud noises as a general rule, but they seem to make an exception for children.
A hardy cat, the Korat is the perfect fit for families with children provided there aren't other cats (unless they're Korats too) and dogs. Or small pets. These guys are active enough to hunt just about anything. For the cat-loving household, Korats can provide endless entertainment and love.